Sunday, August 23, 2009

Give it Up

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we who have died to sin live any longer in it?
Romans 6:1-2

Ladies! Hope all is well with you.

Today I want to speak with you about habits...bad ones that is. Even as Christian young women we have a few habits that are unnecessary and that need to be broken. Bad habits translate to SIN for us Christians. In fact, some of these habits are the very things that are keeping us away from truly serving God. So, today we will talk about finding a way to combat these habits and replace them with good Godly ones.

Romans talks a lot about how we should renew our mind, kill our flesh and learn to be in the world, but not of it. Is this easy? Not always, but sometimes we find ourselves in situations doing things that we KNOW we can easily say no to. So, how do you avoid this or get yourself out of these types of situations?

FIRST...GIVE it to God. We are not able to handle our situations on our own, let's just face that. There is nothing we can do without the power God has given us. So, stop trying to deal with this bad habit on your own.

SECONDLY, stop using the fact that God has grace and mercy on us as an excuse for doing things. As a Christian young lady we should desire to do better. .Our relationship with Christ should mean so much to us that we would never want to be out of fellowship with Him.

THIRD, after you give it to God you've still gotta take some action. You've got to trust that God will aid you with this situation.

FOURTH, you've got to watch your surroundings. The people you surround yourself with should reflect the person you really are. If you are totally sold out for Christ, why would you surround yourself with people whose faith waivers all the time? How are they going to build you up when you're weak? Find like minded friends and then together you all can reach out to your unsaved friends.

LASTLY, start replacing these bad habits with good ones. If you like to spend money too much, start giving it to your church or to charities. If you curse too much start replacing every curse word or ill thing you say with a compliment. Or do like my friends and I have started and began a charity swear jar. Every time someone curses we charge 50 cents and then at the end of the year we're going to donate the money. If you and your boyfriend cannot resist the temptation to have sex, find things you can do in public that are fun, educational and will keep you entertained.

Being holy is a choice and once you make it there are a lot of things that will come against you. Try really hard to stay true to your calling! With God anything is Possible.

Sorry so long!

the G.O.O.D. Girls

Monday, August 17, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works. And that my soul knows very well. Psalms 139:14

Hello ladies!
It's been a wonderful few weeks for me. I've been really seeking God and praying to him for guidance about a lot of things and He's been awesome through it all. I'm gearing up for school and I'm sure most of you are too. I wish you well this year. With that being said, I want to give you a little advice for the upcoming school year.

1. Start every morning with a prayer.
Talk with God as you prepare to go to school. Give him thanks for another day and for who He is. Ask him for protection, guidance and whatever else you need for the day. It's important that we began to build our relationships with Christ. It's the only one that will last! If you get in the habit of talking to God on your good days when bad days come you will be so confident in your relationship that nothing can stop you from turning to God first!

2. Set Spiritual Goals
Just as you set goals for the school year concerning your grades, making a team, talking to the boy you've liked for two years or just making new friends you should do the same in your spiritual walk. You should use the school year as a time to devout yourself to studying the Word of God, also. If you will give yourself 30 minutes before or after you've done your homework to read the Word then you will be telling God that His word is important to you. We are willing to pull all nighters for a test, but why aren't we willing to give God a few minutes of our time as well? Also, set a goal for how many people you're going to talk to about Christ everyday. If you have to start with one, do that! Start somewhere. It is our responsibility to go into the world and preach the word of God ( Mark 16:15). So, make an effort to do that. By doing so we are helping Christ save souls and being obedient to God! If you have duties in the church, make sure you plan to fulfill them. Set goals for church just as you would for anything else. We've gotta start living a life that says "God, I love you more than anything".

3. Give Back!
As Christians we often get a lot of criticism for what we don't do. People say they don't see us helping others or being loving, so why should they follow our God? Well, as Christian young ladies let's do something to change this perception. Volunteer, support a cause, do something charitable! It shows God how much you appreciate all he's done for you and it makes you feel sooo good!

Ladies, I hope this year goes well for you. These are a few things that will help you be the woman God is calling you to be...fearfully and wonderfully made! You wanna feel beautiful, lovely or like a obedient to God. There is no better feeling!

I love you all!

The G.O.O.D. Girls

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Who's G.O.O.D.?

Remember when you were a young girl and any time you would go some place with your parents or guardians they would always ask you to be "good" or at school they tell you to be a "good" student? And on a athletic or competitive team they say be a "good" sport. Well we're always being told to be or do good, but sometimes we don't know exactly what that means. Well we're here to tell you just what good means to us: God's Own Original Design. It means that no one is like you. There's nothing God wants more than for you to be who He created you to be. So, we're here to help you do JUST that.

G.O.O.D. GIRLS is dedicated to helping Christian girls and young women grow spiritually, build their relationships with Christ, live the principles of the bible, gain and maintain positive self esteem and learn to create Christ centered relationships. It's goal is to show young women that Phil. 4:13(I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me) is not just another bible verse, but it is the reality of Christian living.We strive to let them know that they each have a unique role in this world and they are all G.O.O.D. GIRLS. God's Own Original Design. He makes no duplicates of us. He needs us each for the work he has called us to do in the Earth.

So we encourage our girls to GO forth and conquer the world and most of all be G.O.O.D.

with ♥ ,
the G.O.O.D. GIRLS

Romans 10:9